Ellie Mental Health Services
Comprehensive mental health services for everyone
Get the mental health care you deserve
Get the non-judgmental care that’s right for your situation. Ellie offers a wide selection of mental health therapy services for all ages across our local clinic network. Discover personalized mental health services that will help you and your family through even the suckiest moments in life.
Core Services
We can help you find your happy spot. Get the non-judgmental care you deserve.
Individual Therapy
Couples Therapy
Online Therapy
Family Therapy
Children’s Therapy
Medication Management
Grief Therapy
Trauma-Informed Therapy
EMDR Therapy
Art Therapy
Specialized Services
MN Innovation Hub
Ellie pilots new service lines near our Minnesota-based Corporate Headquarters to introduce innovative service lines that offer value to our clients. At the conclusion of a successful pilot, the services are then available to expand to national Ellie clinics. Current offered programs include:
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)
Ellie Intensives (IOP)
Psychological Assessments
Virtual Reality
Protector Overwatch
Co-joint Therapy
School Embedded
In-Home Therapy
Please note that these services may not be offered at every location.
Visit your local Ellie clinic page to learn more.

If you’re freaking the
%#$@ out…
It’s totally normal to feel overwhelmed. Come as you are
and find a therapist you can vibe with.