As a therapist, Gari works with children and adolescents, young adults and middle adults, and couples. She especially enjoys working with later adolescents, young adults, and emerging professionals at points of transition and healing in their lives.
Utilizing a growth mindset framework, she encourages clients to navigate difficult conversations with their inner critic, explore their circle of control and align with their values. She utilizes an integrative approach of ACT, DBT, CBT and ERP to help clients learn skills to navigate through heightened emotional states and feelings of being overwhelmed. Gari has specialized in eating disorder treatment for the last 3 years of her career and has specific interests in promoting healthy intrapersonal skill development and addressing body image concerns.
Gari utilizes health at every size (HAES aligned) and affirmative approaches and enjoys addressing these concerns within the LGBTQIA2S+ population. Additionally she enjoys promoting executive functioning skills for young adults, emerging professionals, high schooler students, and school-aged children navigating ADHD and mood and anxiety-related disorders.
Gari holds a Bachelor’s degree and double Master’s Degree and is currently pursuing a PsyD in Behavioral Health Leadership. She earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from Western Illinois University, her first Masters in Human Behavior in 2015, second Masters in Clinical Mental Health Counseling in 2024.
When she is not working, she enjoys hiking with her family and Bernie Doodle Raven, crafting with her children, and volunteering in her community.