Dori has worked as a Child and Adolescent Therapist for over 20 years. Her clients say, she’s kind, outgoing, friendly, has a great sense of humor, strongly empathetic, “sunshine personified,” and loves to laugh. She enjoys references to Dory the Fish from “Finding Nemo / Finding Dory” and works them into therapeutic stories with young clients. She prefers sitting on the floor playing therapy board games with kids and their parents just as much as spending time with adolescents exploring their school stressors and their anxiety and depression including peer pressures and gender identity issues. Dori is skilled in providing education and support as parents cope with the struggles of parenting. She also has extensive experience practicing and educating other clinicians on DBT. She has a passion for working with adoption issues as well as the foster care system.
Dori enjoys spending time with her husband, daughter, and 3 dogs and she describes herself as a “foodie,” both exploring new restaurants and creating and making terrific food experiences with her husband.